Posted: March 24, 2015
Hope International University’s Professor of Biblical Studies, Dr. David L. Matson has been published in the (JBL), widely recognized as the flagship academic journal for biblical scholars in North America and beyond. The JBL the official publication of the , the most widely recognized academic society for biblical scholars working in the United States as well as internationally.
The Journal of Biblical Literature is a highly respected peer-reviewed journal that is extremely competitive and rigorous. His article “Pacifist Jesus? The (Mis) Translation in Luke 22:51” was featured in the of the JBL, published by the Society of Biblical Literature.
Dr. Matson summarizes his article this way, “In short, my article challenges the way an enigmatic Greek phrase in Luke 22:51 has been translated in most English Bibles since the publication of the influential Revised Standard Version in 1946. When a disciple of Jesus strikes the slave of the high priest at the time of Jesus’ arrest, Jesus says in the RSV, ‘No more of this!’ In all probability, he says something like, ‘Permit or allow them to arrest me,’ reflected in nearly all English Bibles up to that time.” Matson argues that rather than this verse supporting claims to Jesus as a pacifist, it more accurately describes his dedication to doing His Father’s will.
“Dr. Matson is an accomplished scholar. Acceptance of his article in the JBL publication is an indication of the scholarly world’s recognition of his work,” said Dr. Joseph Grana, Dean of HIU’s Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Biblical Studies. “As one of our outstanding faculty, David does an exemplary job of balancing ministry to the church and contribution to academia.”