
University News

Beauty and the FEAST

Posted: April 11, 2022

On Saturday, April 10, prior to the closing performance of HIU’s 2022 spring musical, Beauty and the Beast, alumni, donors, and special guests converged on campus for our annual VIP Reception. Guests gathered in the Darling Library, enjoying the themed desserts and decor. HIU administrators, staff, and student ambassadors mingled with guests prior to a wonderful performance of Disney’s beloved Broadway-style show. 

The event also served as another semblence of the return to normalcy, as HIU's annual musicals have been stymied by the global pandemic for the last 2 years.

2022 marks the 15th year that alumna Ember Williams (BM ‘00) has directed HIU’s annual theatrical production. HIU’s spring musical has become a popular annual event for the local community as well. Each year, HIU also hosts special matinee performances for local elementary, junior high, and high school students, which includes a meet and greet with the cast.

Thank you to everyone who turned out to enjoy the evening of fellowship, food, and frolic!

//  (pics and videos)