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Nicolò Sassi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Theological Studies


B.A., Philosophy, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2014 
M.A., Music Performance, Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, 2014 
M.A., Religious Studies, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2016 
Ph.D., Religious Studies, Indiana University Bloomington, 2022

Research Interests

  • Byzantine Mysticism 
  • Syriac Literature 
  • Nag Hammadi Library 
  • Ethiopic Hagiography 
  • Circulation of Texts in the Christian East 

Publications and Media Placements

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters 

  • “Towards a New Edition of the Book of Hierotheos”, Studia Patristica 125 (2021), 157-163.
  • “The Corpus Areopagiticum and the Book of the Holy Hierotheos”, Bisanzio nello spazio e nel tempo. Costantinopoli e la Siria. Atti della XIV Giornata di Studi dell’AISB (Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 10-11 novembre 2017), a cura di S. Ronchey e F. Monticini, Roma, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 307 (2019), 197-217.
  • “Intertextuality, Isiac Features, and the shaping of the Sacred Feminine in Trimorphic Protennoia (NHC XIII, 1)”, Studia Orientalia Electronica 7 (2019), 82-95.
  • “Le fonti del lessico teologico delle Epistole dello Pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita”, Lexicon Philosophicum 6 (2018), 69-115.
  • “Le fonti del lessico teologico del De Mystica Theologia dello Pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita”, Textual Cultures 11.1-2 (2017), 130-171. 
  • “Mystical Union as Acknowledgment: Pseudo-Dionysius’ Account of Henosis”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 56.4 (2016), 771-784.  
Book-length Translations 
  • S. Ronchey, Hypatia. The True Story. 268 p. (Italian to English; De Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2021). 
Book Reviews 
  • M. Edwards, Aristotle and Early Christian Thought, Journal of Early Christian Studies 28.1 (2020), 159-161.
  • G. Mushayabasa, Translation Technique in the Peshitta to Ezekiel 1-24: A Frame Semantics Approach, Symposia. The Journal of Religion 10 (2019), 52-53.