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Beatriz Cordero, Ph.D.

Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Art History


Ph.D. in Art History, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
Dissertation: James Johnson Sweeney, Tastebreaker and Tastemaker. Contributions to modern art narrations: 1934-1975. Directors: Dr. Jiménez-Blanco (UCM) and Dr. Basilio (NYU).

Practice Areas

  • Art of the 20th century
  • Museum Studies and Art Collecting
  • Transatlantic Links between Spain and the US

Publications and Media Placements

Books and Books chapters

“The Irascibles and the Museum. A story of convergence and divergenceâ€; “The Curators: Robert Beverly Hale, Alfred Barr, Dorothy Miller, James Johnson Sweeney, and Hermon Moreâ€; “Chronologyâ€, “Biographies†and “The New York of the Irascibles’â€,in Bradford Collins, Manuel Fontán, Inés Vallejo and Beatriz Cordero (eds). The Irascibles: Artists Against the Museum. New York, 1950. Madrid: Fundación Juan March, 2020.

“José Guerrero’s Peregrinationâ€, in Francisco Baena, Inés Vallejo and Beatriz Cordero. José Guerrero: Pelegrinaje (1966-1969). Exhibition Catalogue. Granada: Centro Guerrero, pp.40-63, 2010.

“Forma y abstracción en la obra de Cortés†in María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco and Beatriz Cordero (eds). Cortés. Retrato y Estructura. Exhibition Catalogue. Madrid/Cádiz: Fundación Telefónica/Unicaja, pp. 18-25, 2018.

“El arte español en EE. UU.: de la vision romántica de Louise Havemeyer a la institucionalización de la vanguardia por James Johnson Sweeneyâ€, in Perspectivas actuales, horizontes insólitos: Dinámicas y aportaciones teóricas en la Historia del Arte actual (2014-2017). Madrid: Aguja de Palacio Ediciones, pp. 417-437, 2018.

“The Fundamental Role of James Johnson Sweeney in Promoting Spanish Artists in the United States (1934-1975)†in Julio Cañero (ed.). North America and Spain: transversal Perspectives, New York: Escribana Books, pp. 164-177, 2017.

“La habitación de Maruja Mallo. Breve apunte sobre sus escritos†in Maruja Mallo. Orden y Creación. Exhibition Catalogue. Madrid: Galería Guillermo de Osma, pp. 68-69, 2017.

Esteban Vicente and the Classicism of a Modern Painter. Exhibition Catalogue. Barcelona: Marc Domènech Gallery, pp. 11-35, 2017.

“The Museum of Modern Art, New Yorkâ€, in Mark Roglán (ed). Spanish Art in America. Madrid: El Viso, pp. 163-175, 2016.


“Subjectivity, Spirituality, and Modern Art. James Johnson Sweeney’s views on Abstraction†in La relation critique en France 1944-1964. Rennes: Université de Rennes 2 and Archives de la critique d’art. (In press).

“James Johnson Sweeney: A fundamental liaison between Europe and the US in the institutional framework of the Cold Warâ€, in Reframing the (Art) World- Commitment, Challenges and Crises of International Art Criticism since 1945. Rennes: Université Rennes 2 and Archives de la critique d’art. (In press).

“Artistas contra el museo. Breve recorrido por la crítica institucional estadounidense entre las décadas de los sesenta y noventaâ€. Anales, Revista de la Universidad Complutense, Vol. 29, Madrid, pp. 245-264, 2020.

“(Des)vistiendo la arquitectura: La minimalización de los espacios expositivos en EE.UU. De Art of This Century al White Cubeâ€. Vestir la arquitectura. XXII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte. Burgos: Universidad de Burgos, Vol. 2, pp. 1689-1693, 2019.

“Algunos aspectos sobre la enseñanza de las Bellas Artes en EE. UU.  a mediados del siglo XX. Aportaciones de artistas emigrados. José de Creeft, Esteban Vicente y Luis Quintanillaâ€. La formación artística: Creadores-historiadores-espectadores. Santander: Universidad de Cantabria, Vol. 1, pp. 640-652, 2018.

Conferences and Lectures

“Chillida and Other Basque Sculptorsâ€, XIV Complutense Symposium: “Spain, History, Art and Territoryâ€, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2020.

“Ascendentes (1954)â€, Series “Forty Paintings in Search of a Voiceâ€, Centro José Guerrero, Granada, Spain, 2019.

“Spanish Art in New York. José Guerrero y Esteban Vicenteâ€, Masters on Spanish Art, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2019.

“James Johnson Sweeney: A fundamental liaison between Europe and the US in the institutional framework of the Cold Warâ€, International Two-Day-Conference Reframing the (Art) World, Université Rennes 2, Rennes, France, 2018.

“Lightness and Rightness. Eduardo Chillida and James Johnson Sweeney in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houstonâ€, Meadows Museum, South Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 2018.

“(Des)vistiendo la arquitectura: La minimalización de los espacios expositivos en EE.UU. De Art of This Century al White Cube.†Four-Days Symposium of Spanish Art Historians, Universidad de Burgos, 2018, Burgos, Spain.

“Abstract art and Plastic Redirections in 20th Century Art. A Reflection on James Johnson Sweeney’s work as a critic and curator.†International Two-Day Conference L’Art abstrait en quête de definitions, Paris-New York-Tokyo, 1944-1964, Universite Rennes Rennes, France, 2018.

“El papel del arquitecto José Luis Sert como promotor cultural en EE.UU.â€III International Three Days Congress on Historical Links between Spain and North America: Hispanic roots and Heritage Yesterday and Today, Universidad de Alcalá de Madrid, Spain, Henares, 2017.

“Sobre la enseñanza de las Bellas Artes en EE. UU. a mediados del siglo XX. Aportaciones de artistas emigrados: Creft, Vicente, Quintanilla†National Three-Days Symposium, Palacio de la Magdalena, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 2016.

“The Fundamental Role of James Johnson Sweeney in Promoting Spanish Artists in The U.S. (1934-1975).†II International Three Days Congress on Historical Links between Spain and North America, City College of New York, New York, NY, 2016.

“El coleccionismo de arte español en EE. UU.: James Johnson Sweeney.†VIII Symposium for Young Researchers, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2016.

Exhibitions curated

The Irascibles. Painters Against the Museum (New York, 1950), Fundación Juan March,Madrid, Spain, 2020.

Cortés. Portraits and Structures, Fundación Telefónica & Unicaja, Madrid and Cadiz, 2018/2019.

Honors and Awards

George Gurney Postdoctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian Museum of American Art, Washington DC, Summer 2020. Research on the influence of the Spanish Civil War on American Artists.