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Katherine Smith

Department of Modern Languages and ESL


Ph.D., (candidate), Bilingual Education, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
M.S. Teaching English as a Second Language, Florida International University.
B.A., Spanish with a minor in linguistics, University of Florida.

Practice Areas

  • English as a Second Language.
  • Bilingual Education.
  • Literacy and Education.

Publications and Media Placements


Ahern, A. K., & Smith, K. S. (2022). Promoting equitable literacy expectations in CLIL: Empowering student teachers' attitude shifts through Reading to Learn in service-learning. AILA Review35(2), 297–320.  


Service-Learning as innovation in teacher education for bi-literacy. Katherine Smith, Aoife Ahern. II International Conference Working CLIL. Universidad de Oporto, Portugal. Marzo, 2021.

Smith, Katherine S. Picture Books: Cultural and Visual Literacy. TESOL-SPAIN 43rd Annual National Convention. Facultad de Filología, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. Marzo, 2020.

Teacher Education for CLIL, Paper presented at Teacher Education for CLIL Oporto, Portugal.

El desarrollo de las competencias sociales y cívicas en la formación inicial en el enfoque AICLE: Actividades interdisciplinares para el aula de Primaria. Paper presented at XVIII Congreso Internacional de la SEDLL, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Smith, K. (2019, June 4) The Power of Using Picture Books at all ages in the Classroom to Promote Character Development (Paper Presentation). TESOL ANPECLN Jornada Educativa-Teacher's Tools, Ciudad Real, Spain. 

Smith, K. (2018, November 29-30) Initial Teacher Education for CLIL: Developing Intercultural Competence through Teacher Collaboration (Paper Presentation). UNED Conference, Madrid, Spain. 


UCM Proyecto de Servicio-Aprendizaje (2020-presente).

UCM Proyecto de Innovación (2016-2020).