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Resources and Services

麻豆传媒 Students' Opportunity for Achievement and Resources (SOAR) program provides many resources and services unique to the Billikens we serve. 

Standing Tutoring Appointments

Standing Tutoring Appointments are one of the unique services and opportunities available through the SOAR Program. Students can request weekly one-hour tutoring sessions with the same tutor at the same day and time each week. This consistency and continuity can help students understand the information from their classes.

Sign Up for a Standing Tutoring Appointment

  1. Check out the list of courses that have tutoring available
  2. Fill out the to request tutoring. Be sure to list all your available times, not just the times you would prefer.

Once you have requested standing tutoring, you will receive an email from tutoring services letting you know when your appointments are or if there is a problem with the courses or times you requested. Melissa Burgess in academic support will be coordinating all standing tutoring appointments for SOAR students.

Be sure to attend your tutoring appointments. Not showing up for two of your standing appointments may result in the cancellation of the remainder of your standing tutoring appointments. We understand that things may come up, but please be courteous and responsible and cancel your appointment in advance if you won't be able to attend.

For more information, contact Lindsay Gonterman.


Each semester, students are expected to meet with their primary advisor, as well as a SOAR advisor to discuss their academic plan and courses for the upcoming semester.

You are welcome to meet with your SOAR advisor before or after you meet with your primary advisor. Your SOAR advisor is here to help you better understand the registration process and to make sure you are on track with your academic/graduation plan.

SOAR has two worksheets that can help you with your pre-registration meeting and can be used when meeting with your SOAR advisor. One is for you to use before you've met with your primary advisor and one is for you to use after you've met with your primary advisor. We also have a worksheet that can help you calculate your GPA for the semester based on what grades you think you'll earn that semester.

Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring is available to our first-year SOAR students to help with the transition to SLU. Our peer mentors are generally current SOAR students who have been successful at SLU and have a desire to help new students adjust and feel welcome.

Early Registration

Another perk of being part of the SOAR program is that you get to register the day before registration opens for your class.

Determining Registration Classification

Your registration PIN, which is required to access the system early, will begin with a 鈥5鈥 and will be emailed to you by the Registrar鈥檚 office.

Students can register based on their classification as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. Your classification is based upon the number of earned credit hours only:

  • 0-29 credit hours = Freshman registration class
  • 30-59 credit hours = Sophomore registration class
  • 60-89 credit hours = Junior registration class
  • 90-120+ credit hours = Senior registration class

You can view the exact dates for when you'll be able to register each semester on the University Registrar's website.

Free Printing

All SOAR students can print for free in the SOAR computer lab in the Center for Global Citizenship (CGC), suite 108. You can work on homework or research for papers and print out any necessary papers, notes and articles. Students can use the computer lab and print Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. when CGC 108 is open.


Students who are part of the SOAR program have some unique scholarship and grant opportunities available to them: the Summer Tuition Discount, and the Dr. Johnson Book Award. These can be very competitive and come with their own set of restrictions.

Summer Tuition Discount

The Summer Tuition Discount allows selected students to take a SLU summer course for approximately $100 per credit hour*, allowing students to stay on track to graduate on time. Students will be invited to apply in the spring semester. Eligible students must be a participant in the SOAR Program and must have completed the financial literacy requirement for the program. Additionally, priority will be given to those with financial need and strong program participation. *This rate does not apply to students taking courses at a higher tuition rate.

Dr. Johnson Book Award

The Dr. Johnson Book Award competition takes place in the spring semester and helps to cover the cost of students' books for the next school year. This scholarship is run by an office outside of SOAR but is only open to SOAR and TRIO students. Information on the scholarship will be sent to students in the spring semester when it becomes available.

Additional Resources

SLU's Honors Office can help you find and apply for post-baccalaureate scholarships, as well as for prestigious undergraduate scholarships, internships and research opportunities. Browse opportunities online or email honors@slu.edu for more information. 

Financial Literacy

Having a basic understanding of personal finances, financial aid, budgeting is important for your future success. SOAR allows you to complete various financial literacy certificates through

All of the certificates are online and can be completed at your own pace. To successfully complete a course, you must receive a final grade of at least an 80 percent.

New SOAR Students

In your first year of SOAR, you will earn the Financial Literacy 101 certificate. This certificate provides an introductory overview of topics like budgeting, credit vs. debit cards and financial health. This certificate is expected to take approximately 90 minutes to complete but can be taken at your own pace.

To complete this certificate, enter the access code "SLUSSS" at . From there you will create a profile so that you can log into the system later to complete the certificate or to explore what other courses the site has to offer.

Returning SOAR Students

Each year after your first year in the SOAR program, you will be expected to complete a different financial literacy certificate. Topics range from advanced topics in financial aid to consumer financial literacy and preparing for life after college.

Following completion of the Financial Literacy 101 certificate, you will complete Financial Literacy 200. To access the certificate, visit  and log in using the same information you used last year. (If you forgot your password, the financial literacy website can retrieve it for you.)

Once you've logged in, on the right-hand side will be your portfolio. Click on the "courses" option. This will take you to a review of the courses you have already completed as well as allow you to register for a new course. Click on "enter a course number" and enter "334" to register for the Financial Literacy 200 certificate.

Students who have completed both the Financial Literacy 101 and 200 certificate, will complete the Financial Literacy 300 certificate. To register for the course, follow the same steps as listed above and enter the course number "472."

Following Financial Literacy 300, you will complete the Financial Literacy 400 certificate. To register for this course, follow the same steps listed above and enter "630" as the course number.

For Graduating Seniors

We now have an optional 鈥 but strongly suggested 鈥 course that focuses on repaying your student loans successfully. The course includes information on repayment options, ways to avoid default and forgiveness options. To access this course, follow the steps listed in the returning students section above and enter "631" as the course number.