
Brian Albright Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Danon Carter D.M.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Dale Conjurski MBA

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Elizabeth Cooper-Reelhorn M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Kevin M. Hill Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Steven B. Naslund M.B.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Lydia Knopf Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business & Management; Chair, Traditional Undergraduate Program; Assoc. Professor of Business & Management

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Lester Reams J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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John Mark Lindvall M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Andrew Paine M.B.A.

Chair, Online Undergraduate Program; Assistant Business and Accounting Professor

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Amarjit Singh Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Jeremiah Smith M.A.

Associate Professor of Business and Management

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