
Linda Adamson Ed.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Kyanne Albelo

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Brian Albright Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Cora A. Alley M.A.

Associate Professor of Ministry & Biblical Studies

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Lynne Baab

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry & Biblical Studies

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Tamara Beeuwsaert

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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David Biniasz

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Lindsay Blume M.S.

Assistant Professor of Education

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Laura S. Brislawn M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education and Mathematics

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Michael Cahill

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Vanessa Cardin

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Lilia Carey Psy.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Jacquelyn Christy

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Kelly D. Dagley Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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Carol Davidson M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Corrine DeWitt M.Min.

Assistant Professor of Education and Credential Analyst

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Doug Domene Ed.D.

Professor of Education

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Dennis Equitz

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Robin Felix Psy.D.

Chair, Master of Science in Counseling Program; Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Jimmie Flores

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Verena Gabriel M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Stacey Gerhart M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling, Director of Career Development

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Matthew Givrad Ph.D., Psy.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Rudy Hagood

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry & Biblical Studies

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Susan Hastings Psy.D.

Chair/Program Director, Marriage and Family Therapy Program; Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Julie Hatchel

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Nancy Henderson M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Wil Hernandez

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Adele Heuer

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Kevin M. Hill Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Wm Curtis Holtzen D.Th.

Professor of Philosophy and Theology

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Paul Hurst

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Kandis Hutton M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Crystal Ishihara

Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Janet Johnson D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Joy Kang PsyD (ABD)

Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Lydia Knopf Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business & Management; Chair, Traditional Undergraduate Program; Assoc. Professor of Business & Management

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Mark Krause

Adjunct Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Robert D. Kuest M.Div, D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Lori Lawton

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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John Mark Lindvall M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Kevin (Kip) P. Lines Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies

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Richard J. Lopez Ed.D

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Lizette Lopez

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Brian Luhmann Psy.D.

Director of IRB; Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Adam Luke M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Jacqueline Mack-Harris Psy.D.

Coordinator of Clinical Training, Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling; Clinical Training Coordinator; Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Jon Mann M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Curtis McGinnis D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Sarah Megally

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Charis Meyer M.A., J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Dawn Miller

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Sandra Miller Psy.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Terry Morrow

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Steven B. Naslund M.B.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Yousef Nasouf Ed.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Pamela Newton M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business

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Brad Overholser

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Brandon Pendergraft M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology

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Robin Rae Perez Ed.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Robbie Phillips D. Min.

Chair of Church Ministry; Professor of Biblical Studies

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Mitch Pohl M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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James Price D. Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Kathryn G. Ralston M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Lester Reams J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Gary Reinecke D. Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Jennifer Rich M.A., M.L.I.S.

Assistant Professor of Education

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Ben Roberson Ed.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Juwairiyah Sabir D.B.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Samuel Semanda

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Amarjit Singh Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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De Angela Smith M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Laureen Smith

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Maher Sonbol M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Laura Steele Psy.D.

Dean, College of Psychology and Counseling; Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Russell H. Stevens Ph.D., M.B.A., C.M.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Nancy Stichter M.S.

Assistant Professor of Education

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Betty Ta Ed.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Carl Toney Ph.D.

Dean, Pacific Christian College of Ministry & Biblical Studies; Professor of Biblical Studies; Chair, Graduate Ministry Progr

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Lisa Huber Toney M. Div.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Philip Towne Ph.D.

Chair of Intercultural Studies; Professor of Ministry & Intercultural Studies; SALT & Certificate Program Supervisor

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Lynsey Turner M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Daniel Verdugo M.A.

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Teresa Vitelli M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Kimberly Voge M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Rick Walston D. Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Tanya Ward M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling; Director of Hope Counseling Center

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George West Ed.D.

Professor of Education

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J. Blair Wilgus Ph.D.

Chair, Online Undergraduate Ministry Program; Professor of Biblical Studies

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David Wilson M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Cory Witt M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Joyce Lee Yang Ed.D.

Dean, College of Education

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Judy Yen M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Jacqueline York M.Ed.

Associate Professor of Education

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