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Pathology, Ph.D.

Â鶹´«Ã½'s Department of Pathology actively integrates research into the mechanisms of diseases at the genetic, molecular, and cellular levels with clinical activities. While ensuring an increasing understanding of human diseases, this provides the foundation for further developments in diagnosis and therapy. The faculty providesÌýextensive research and training opportunities to graduate students and medical trainees to support these fundamental activities.

Curriculum Overview

All students interested in SLU's Ph.D. program in pathology must enroll through the core graduate program in biomedical sciences. This one-year program provides a strong basic foundation in biomedical sciences and allows students to rotate through four formal laboratory rotations in the medical center before choosing a specific field of study.

After the first year, students will choose a mentor and specify a department from one of five distinct Ph.D. programs for further work toward a Ph.D. degree. The Ph.D. degree requires 36 credits of coursework and 12 credits toward the successful completion and defense of an original research dissertation.

Courses required for a Ph.D. degree in pathology include the core basic biomedical sciences coursework, covering topics in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, pathology, genetics, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology and neurobiology. Students will also take courses in pathobiology; and research colloquia. Coursework includes lectures, small group problem-solving sessions, student presentations, and hands-on experience. Additional elective courses, which may be taken from other departments or universities in the area, are selected in collaboration with a departmental adviser.

Students present their research progress yearly at Topics in Pathology, the departmental research colloquium starting in the second year. A written preliminary and oral examination is taken at the end of the second year, which focuses primarily on the proposed area of thesis research.

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

Pathology graduate students have opportunities and exposure to technical skills and research expertise through research collaborations. Pathology faculty membersÌýmaintainÌýcontact with colleagues in the academic and industrial community. In both the basic science and clinical department, the pathology faculty has diverse interests and expertise, from the bench to the bedside. The department stresses close interactions among students, mentors, and the graduate steering committee to foster intellectual and scientific growth.


Â鶹´«Ã½'s pathology program graduates are technically skilled and thoughtful scientists prepared for successful research careers in academics, industry, medicine, or government.

Admission Requirements

An undergraduate degree in biology, chemistry, or a related subject; advanced biology coursework is recommended.

Application Requirements

  • Application form and fee
  • Transcript(s)
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE G score (GRE S score optional)
  • ¸éé²õ³Ü³¾Ã©
  • Interview
  • Professional goal statement
  • Ìý

Requirements for International Students

All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students. International students must also meet the following additional requirements:

  • DemonstrateÌýEnglish Language Proficiency
  • Financial documents are required to complete an application for admission and be reviewed for admission and merit scholarships.Ìý
  • Proof of financial support that must include:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Â鶹´«Ã½
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of the student's study at the University
  • Academic records, in English translation, of students who have undertaken postsecondary studies outside the United States must include:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • Practical laboratory work
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
    • Any honors or degrees received.

WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.

Assistantship Application Deadline

Students who want to be considered for an assistantship must apply by February 1.

Review Process

A committee examines and reviews the applicant and application wholly.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,310

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

For priority consideration for graduate assistantship, apply by Feb. 1.Ìý

For more information, visit the student financial services office online at /financial-aid/index.php.

  1. Graduates will be able to demonstrate competency in the basic biochemical, molecular, cellular and organismal aspects of the biomedical sciences.
  2. Graduates will be able toÌýgenerate a research proposal.
  3. Graduates will be able toÌýapply research skills which include data collection, publications, and oral presentations.
  4. Graduates will be able toÌýintegrate and apply communication and research skills through oral presentations at scientific seminars, conferences, and other venues.
  5. Graduates will haveÌýknowledge of responsible conduct in research.


Basic Biomedical Science Courses
BBSÌý5010Basic Biomedical Science I5
BBSÌý5020Special Topics in Basic Biomedical Sciences I4
BBSÌý5030Basic Biomedical Science II5
BBSÌý5040Special Topics in Basic Biomedical Sciences II4
BBSÌý5100Ethics for Research Scientists0
BBSÌý5920Basic Biomedical Sciences Colloquium2
BBSÌý5970Introduction to Basic Biomedical Sciences Research (taken over multiple semesters)4
BCHMÌý6280Intro to Genomics and Bioinformatics2
Pathology Courses
PATHÌý5350Intro to Microscopy Techniques3
PATHÌý6900Molecular Pathobiology Journal Club (taken over multiple semesters)0-1
PATHÌý6920 (taken over multiple semesters)2
Dissertation Research
PATHÌý6990Dissertation Research (taken over multiple semesters, 12hrs total)0-3
Total Credits48

Non-Course Requirements

Students are required to submit a grant proposal to an outside agency for extramural research and/or stipend support within six months of successfully passing the candidacy examination. Funding of the external grant application is not required for successful completion of the Ph.D. degree. Students must also publish at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article reporting results of their original research

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.